Tidal Tending: Harvesting and Caring for Seaweeds
Coastal Camping Trips
May 30-June 1, 2025- TBD, CA
June 13-15, 2025 - Mendocino, CA
Queer Women's Seaweed Harvest and Seaweed Hot Tub Camp
In these weekend trips we will learn about the health benefits of seaweeds, learn to cook some simple and traditional Japanese and other seaweed recipes, and learn to prepare seaweed spa treatments and luxuriate in these preparations. We will go to the shoreline at the low tide and take a close look at the interrelated networks of all the different inner tidal species, learn about and practice habitat restoration methods of the kelp ecosystem (utilized by both non-profit organizations and Fish and Wildlife Department), and participate in sustainable wild tending and harvesting practices of these seaweeds, in particular we will focus on the
harvesting of the invasive seaweed species.
Enter email here for all upcoming dates!
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Classes, Consultations, and Epic Adventures
We envision a world where access to healthy food, herbal medicine, education, nature, and support ushers transformation internally, community-wide and beyond.
Foraging, Plant Identification, and Gardening Classes

All About the Plants
Want to learn how to identify plants, but need a supportive and interesting environment, or something different than traditional botany? Need help with your garden, but not sure where to start? Contact me to talk about garden coaching, where we work side-by-side in your garden. Or help organize a plant identification hike or foraging trip
Adventures, Journeys, and Desinations

New Horizons
Want to backpack Yosemite, or kayak Tomales Bay or Jenner Lagoon, or something else all together? Looking for an epic adventure to the location of your choosing? Want to overcome a challenge (depression, anxiety, fear) in a medicine journey? Or tour the hot springs of Oregon? Reach out and tell me your dream destination! I can help you plan!
Herbal and Nutritional Consultations

Clarifying the Root of the Issue
Suspect you might have Long-haul syndrome? Just feel tired? Providing herbal and nutritional consultations and health coaching. Let's test with the right labs and get a clear picture of what is happening with your body. We will focus on goals, intentions, and reviewing health commitments. Contact me for a free 20 minute intro session.
Get a Taste of Food Independence
This is an incredible short film. Please take the time to watch it.
A 3 minute film by Jude Coleman.
A peek into the role seaweeds play in all our lives; as the future of food, as a healing medicine, and as a carbon balancing element. A glimpse into what taking a seaweed foraging class could inspire.
Sign up for the mailing list or book one of our classes!
"PHENOMENAL experience, friends in California! Seaweed Tidal Tending weekend with healingtides.org I had NO idea how nourishing harvest would be until I went camping (among glorious redwoods) & learning how to ethically harvest seaweed with maestra @tanyastiller
We learned countless health benefits & delicious ways of preparing sea palm, wakame, and kombu meals, nori & bladderwrack snacks & also adding turkish washcloth/towel to self care practices (nature’s spa! )
She also showed us how to dry it all out (dehydrate/pickle etc) for proper storage post harvest & prepared an unforgettable dinner feast for all! I confess I didn’t really know seaweed until then. Thought of it in connection to miso/sushi only. bless my ignorance.
Am now hooked to countless beneficial applications & delicious recipes. Soooo rich! Sending gratitude to Pachamama’s abundance & the wisdom carriers who taught us how to gather this medicine/food with reciprocity & care so the ocean’s gardens can keep growing back sustainably.
Pls invite your friends, family & check them out! Another tidal tending wknd coming up in July. You wont regret it. www.healingtide.org
#tidaltending #foodismedicine #waterislife#remembering #reclaimingancientwisdom#decolonizefoodsystems #seaweedsnacks#seaweedsalad ."
I attended the June 2022 Seaweed Tidal Tending Camping Trip led by Tanya Stiller and I am so grateful I did. We got to camp nestled between Redwood trees to wake early to discover all the treasures of the low tide. So much abundance from the Ocean that I took for granted before Tanya opened my eyes to all the wonder, health, healing and beauty of Seaweed. Tanya is super knowledgeable and has a lovely way of sharing her wealth of Ocean wisdom. I appreciated how she started the education with an offering to the Ocean and gratitude to the lineages before us who taught us these ways. It opened me to my ancestral roots in Ireland and Scotland how my ancestors must have tended the seaweeds. It also opened me to a whole other perspective on how to garden. It was a heavenly experience with the beauty all around us too. Then we would come back to camp and was taught how to cook with our seaweed harvest, make a hair rinse and facial mask with seaweed. We even got a deep education from Erica sitting around the fire on the many benefits of seaweed for the planet. I was able to leave this experience with a hefty harvest of seaweed, a deep knowledge of seaweed, how to ethically harvest seaweed and I can now identify the different types of seaweed and their uses. Plus gained a full heart and new found friendships. Everyone that came on this trip was just a joy to be around. Since this trip I have hung out with my new found friends, made a kitchari with kombu I harvested, and made a Turkish Washcloth hair rinse. I have gotten many compliments on my hair since! I highly recommend joining the next offering by Healing Tide as it will change your life!
About Healing Tide
Healing Tide is an eco-wellness, eco-experience company
devoted to the interconnection of health and environment.
We offer immersive hands-on classes guided by experts in gorgeous eco-rich locations.
We specialize in custom group experiences and one-on-one wellness coaching.
Healing Tide, is functional medicine based community healthcare.
We envision a world where access to healthy food, herbal medicine, education, nature, and support ushers transformation internally, community-wide and beyond. Healing Tide is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that seeks to live in harmony with the Earth, while we explore traveling from a sustainable lens.
Healing Tide acknowledges that we live in the Huchiun, Lisjan Ohlone, Carquin, and Awaswas territories. Healing Tide believes in rematriation of the Land, reparations, and restoration. It is important to acknowledge the lands we live on, travel across, and visit. Healing Tide is in continued communication with local tribes. We donate seaweeds to tribal Elders, volunteer on the Ramaytush Muchia Te' Indigenous Land Trust Farm, and donate 10% of the proceeds of Healing Tide towards these Tribal collaborations. If you are a tribal member and would like to collaborate, please let us know.
As stewards, how can we discuss the responsibilities of protecting our shared resources while learning about how to nourish ourselves, while seeking to leave the bounties of our World to future generations with more healthful options? We seek to create a venue of travel that has a lower carbon footprint than the norm, with a focus on harvesting with a lens on past, present and future generations. By exploring new ways of learning and sharing, we hope to inspire a new generation of travelers that know how to protect our World thru shared conversations.
Here at Healing Tide, we practice a Functional Medicine approach to health and healing, incorporating practices that examine the underlying causes, not just the symptoms, to dis-ease and illness. We work with clients from where they are, using lifestyle factors, bio-chemical individuality, functional medicine labs, and somatic mindful health coaching to achieve the best possible outcomes, and clients that feel great.